Thursday, May 30, 2013


Meeting --

Two refugees meet in a restaurant
Clutching some broken and synthetic thing
To keep their heads above the unseen waves

Sitting beside the crooked restaurant wall,
Their architectural design defects
Are cloaked by art and painful angling  

Transformed by some resemblance of light
The porcelain tile shimmers between their knees
Their hungry smiles reveal some missing teeth

Across the hayfield mounting thunderheads
Will drop a chill as soon forgotten as
The strangeness of his hand upon her back


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Keeping Faith With the Dead

Keeping Faith with the Dead

Memorial Day was formally established in 1868 to honor the Civil War dead.  “It is,” says the Website, “about reconciliation.  It is about coming together to honor those who gave their all.”
The impulse to properly care for the dead is ancient.  In the 6th–5th century BCE story, Yahweh confronts Cain (Genesis 4:10) demanding, “What have you done?  Listen!  Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.”

In Sophocles’ ”Antigone” (440 BCE) two brothers kill each other in battle.  Their sister cannot accept that one is declared a hero buried with honors, while the other is decreed a traitor, his body left to be eaten by animals outside the city walls.  She buries her brother at the cost of her own life, declaring, “He is still my brother yes, ...I desert him not.”

John McCrae’s WWI poem “In Flanders Fields” (1915) challenges: “If you break faith with us who die/ We shall not sleep, though poppies grow/in Flanders Fields.”)

Our need to care for the dead includes friend and foe.  NBC News reported, “A Massachusetts police chief begged Wednesday for help in finding a burial place for Boston bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev… “There is a need to do the right thing," Worcester Police Chief Gary Gemme said. "We are not barbarians. We bury the dead.” 

Efforts to unite to honor the dead founder against war’s divisions. The 1868 antagonists were North / South; in 1918, interventionist / isolationist; in 1944, conscientious objectors / volunteer enlistees; In the Viet Nam era and later wars, hawks / doves and it is always between those who serve / those whose interests are served. 
How can honoring the dead heal living wounds?  To start, all who give their lives, like Ambassador Chris Stevens, his staff and defenders, must be honored with truth.

A Los Angeles Times editorial reprint from Memorial Day 1968 suggests what is needed is not a day but lives rightly lived.

“We would suggest that the best remembrance, the greatest tribute, we can pay those who have died in their nation's wars…is to live our own lives as citizens of this Republic, and conduct our affairs as a power in the world, according to the higher goals in whose name these sacrifices are made.
That would be tribute indeed, and surely little enough to ask.”
God, make our lives a tribute.  Amen.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Whys of Wow (for Susan H-S)

Whys of Wow
               (for Susan H-S)

Why does
     That sprinkler --
          Pieced together from parts
               Salvaged out of last year’s junk
                    That to begin with
                    Didn’t cost me nothing
          Now spraying an 80 foot radius
                    From a 300 foot well
                    Through a 5 horse submersible pump
                         That taps a melt-fed aquifer
                              Shared by too many retirees
          That is baptizing twenty worm-pecking
               Red winged Black Birds, one
               Pheasant hiding in the tall grass
               And my useless lawn
                    In rainbow –
Take my breath away?

Why does
               The neighbor’s fence --
                    That never holds the black and brown
                         Faced calves out of my yard
                    That threatens electric shocks
                         If I get distracted mowing
                    That reminds me of other
                         Black and brown faces
                              Pressed to fences of
                                   Electrified barbed wire –
Make tears come?

Why does
               A voice --
                         That speaks before sunrise
                               In tongues untranslatable
                                    Felt more than heard
                                    Whispered more than spoken
                                    Soft enough at the edges of the emerging earth
                                         To be submerged completely
                                              In the rising hum of bees —
Make me sing?

LFM 5/22/13

Monday, May 13, 2013

Old Unasked Questions

Old unasked questions
Run across the field
Chilling the air
Extinguishing the sun

Why in old age
Should I now long to know?
We’re settled in life’s ways
Or holding on

Beside the silent lake
Dark without moon  
Grendel is creeping
I can’t keep him out

For forty years he’s
Gnawed upon my bones
I have become addicted
To the pain

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Two faucets:
The sturdy frost free
Sashays its lever
Functional and small
Its icy stream
Requires no priming and
Accommodates no receptacle;

Beside a weathered chimney
Long and graceful as a crane
In still water  
A smooth palm-fitting handle
Sings a cast iron aria
That rising from baritone to alto
Announces the coming;

Each reminds me of you.