Thursday, November 7, 2013

                                                                 Sticking by and to

sticking                       Sticking by and to and through.  There’s a grape jelly taste to it.
there's                        Didn’t you come to me for just this and didn’t it disappoint you?

 is                                Is you is or is you ain’t my _____?  Drowsing in my sheets.      
drowsing                    Rub right there.  Got it - Got to.    
rub                              Skimmed over skimmed off skimmed your cream dream.             

held                             You will be held, Melted MaltedAfford --  let fall.
let fall 

break                     Break eggs -- rules -- off -- in -- over me.  We -- she -- he -- that once
was                        was before, no more.

could tell               No one - no one but you - every one - how you - would if you could tell.
Was                       I was, not you.  Take care-over-heart-me-it like a man-everything.
Take                     Spiders-freckles-leaf veins-slights-failures-moons-Mars magnified.

appear                  Fears memories you and I intentions this moment appear disappear
disappear             Your slip my age amerika’s x-rayed racism is showing.
showing                For keeps the cat eye marbles. I wonder what keeps you?  

feel                       My father’s fierce embrace.  Sway, Willow.  Bend and let the
sway                     torrent pass.

keep hearing        Keep hearing rumbling silence. 
coming in.             Some thing is coming in a train, a disease, a vision.

have had               Everything we had we have had but have not.       
Picking                 Saw bare the world’s ankles singing a picking song.

am                         I am come but not alone.
Desired                Shall we now surrender what hope most desired?

were                     None are what they were but that’s cold _______.
Touch                   Only touch.
Cherish                Learning to cherish takes _______.     
lift                        Hopes memories friendships ______ beauty lift and let fall.     
let fall                        

struck                  Well struck, expertly so the victims were not _______bruised.
bruised                 Fevers footballs heels _______ and heads spiked.

Went                   We went willingly.  “See” is an invitation not a _______. 
see                       Before the whole eco-system is ______.

say                       Say your piece;  it’s your ____.  How will you describe?
it's                       Night ____ coming.  I pray you will sleep without ______.

LFM 11/6/13

I hope you enjoyed interacting with me through this poem.

In the above, I began with a poem I like by Robert Frost, "After Apple Picking."  I removed all the words except verbs.  I used the verbs as a kind of random acrostic for creating sentences.  In a developing order I wrote sentences and sentence fragments that I think encourage and involve the reader more and more as the poem progresses.  So, from the early stanzas there are multiple associations spelled out.  As the poem progresses, the reader is encouraged to make more and more of his/her own associations.  In the end the reader is encouraged to add his or her own words and play with possibilities that carry associations for that reader.  

There is a kind of general theme of relationships and communication for the whole similar to Silliman's "rock pile."

The process was one of progressing experimentation for me as a poet as well.  I became more free with open spaces and left more room for the reader to determine the content.  I tried to shape the thought in certain ways and to arrive at a positive but open conclusion, one that left a question for the reader to answer in his/her own way.   I gave my self increasing permission to change the constraints I was working with.  So by the time the reader makes his or her way through to the end, their brain has hopefully been through an exercise of dealing with changing rules and increasing involvement. 

I was as many people have said, "play." I thoroughly enjoyed it.  

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